Points of Interest 07-17-05
Through the story of Noah, Lex shared with us his own struggles with this account of God in the Old Testament. Think about these questions as we honestly look at Genesis 5-9.
- How does the story of Noah fit with your perception of God?
- Read Genesis 5:6 - Do you think that people are really this way?
- Why do you think God chose to use natural means (water) to punish humanity for its wickedness?
- If a human government punished people in the way God does in the Noah story, most people would be outraged. Is it different when God punishes people this way, and if so, why?
- What does this story tell us about God?
- How does the story make you feel?
Our point team met last night, and as we talked about the story, we also talked about the importance of noticing that God is described as emotional throughout the story.
Our key discussion revolved around these questions:
What are God's emotions in the story?
What are God's actions in the story?
How do the two relate?
I said to lex sunday, kind of tongue in cheek, that maybe God looked back on His lack of Grace in the Noah account (as lex noted, no call for repentance) and decided to change.
Now, I've never really been an open theist, but the more I think about passages like this and read ideas like the Karl's (Rahner and Barth) hold that how God has revealed himself is who God is, I'm not sure. So my question to add to this is:
What does the Noah story say about God?
Does/can God truly change?
walt - those are good questions. I think a mistake I make sometimes is that when I think of God As Judge, I think of God as being emotionless. But God doesn't seem all that emotionless here.
toby - also a great question. We always hear that God never changes, but some passages in the Bible suggest otherwise. But is that God changing, or is it just a development in revelation?
Who knows? Not me.
i'm reading about calvinism, arminianism and open theism right now, maybe i'll know the answers later.
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