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Sunday, February 19, 2006

February 19 Questions

Being a mature church means connecting to the world around us. Consider Paul's message to the Corinthians in I Corinthians 3:1-10 this week as we learn what it means to be outwardly-focused.

  • When have you been guilty of selfishness? How did you come to realize that selfishness?

  • Have you been part of a church that was immature? What role did selfishness play in that church's life?

  • What does a mature church look like?

  • Why is it so easy to be inwardly focused as a church?

  • Sometimes, our efforts to reach the world are really efforts to make the world just like us. Describe the difference between a church that focuses on multiplication versus one that focuses on replication.

  • What do you first think of when you hear the word 'missionary'? Why? Is that a proper understanding?

  • What is the worst thing a church could do to the outside world?


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