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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Points of Interest: 09-25-05

Worship is such a powerful thing yet so hard to grasp on a regular basis. We tend to depend on the church or the worship leader to create those moments for us rather than looking for God-moments and worshiping on our own. Look for God this week and let him lead you in ways to worship him.

  • When/where do you spend your best moments with God?

  • Describe a time when you were able to worship God through special circumstances.

  • Is it hard for you to experience God "along the way" in your life?

  • How can you create for yourself moments of genuine worship?

  • Read a favorite Psalm. Read this Psalm each day and ask God to help you in your worship.


At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I are moving to Abilene this November and are already searching for a church home! We had a hard time finding a great church home where we currently are, we finally did(after over a year of searching) but now have to leave :(
We enjoyed looking at your website and plan on visiting once we arrive!

At 8:04 AM, Blogger Cameron said...

I agree with what C. S. Lewis said: "praise is the consumation of joy." In other words, your joy is fulfilled or completed by praise. That also means that joy is a prerequisite of praise.

When I find myself struggling to truly praise God, it's generally because I've lost sight of the joy I have in Christ. After clearing my thoughts and taking inventory of God's grace and providence in my life, my joy in Him returns and praise just becomes a natural outworking of that joy.

So, if you're having difficulty praising God, don't go looking for a how-to guide on praise. Find your joy, and your joy will find your praise.

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Crosspoint Fellowship said...

Hey (anonymous),
Thanks for the comment! If you'd like to know anything about us, feel free to email us anytime at:

Great thoughts. I suppose the goal should be to live constantly in that state of joy and, subsequently, praise. In the meantime, thanks for the direction.



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