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Monday, October 31, 2005

October 30 Discussion Questions

Most people who have been a part of church are familiar with some form of discipleship. Through the years those forms have had different emphases. The danger of some of these forms is that they become self-serving and exclusive. The fruit of discipleship is not only what happens in us but what happens in others. It is at this point that discipleship moves beyond these walls of church into the world and into the lives of those we meet.

How have you been involved in a discipleship ministry?

How has that helped you reach your full potential in Christ?

In what ways can discipleship move beyond the walls of church?

Have you had experiences where you felt discipleship was exclusive?

What models of discipleship have helped you develop your faith?

Are there structures that you would recommend Crosspoint might develop in order to better lead people in discipleship?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

October 23 Discussion Questions

Many times in trying to see beyond church walls, the hardest walls to see beyond are the ones we have constructed for ourselves. This week, be aware of the walls that might be present in your life. Who is it around you that you have separated yourself from? Why? Who might be hard for you to minister to?

Take a moment and read John chapter 4.

1. What are the prejudices present in the background of this story?

2. What are some of the prejudices at work in your own life?

3. Does Jesus shy away from being honest with this woman? Is he rude to her?

4. What kind of woman would we, as modern Christians, consider the Samaritan woman?

5. Do you think she would have been seen in a better light in Jesus’ time?

6. How does the woman respond to Jesus?

7. As we try to “see beyond church walls” how can we be sure to at least be aware of our prejudices?

8. How might we begin to put those prejudices aside?

Monday, October 17, 2005

10-16-05 Discussion Questions

The church in Antioch resembles a contemporary church start. They were creative in sharing God's story, they became a training force developing disciples and they even took offerings in order to help others in a time of need. The questions this week help you consider a more personal role in the church. Think through these questions or go over them with a friend or small group.

  • Who were some influential people who shared God's story with you?

  • If you could go anywhere in order to share God's story with a people group, where would you go? Explain.

  • How can the church be more effective in following the early church's example?

  • Are there groups of people that we overlook? Do you have a burden for a particular group?

  • Pray this week that God will help you to tell his story. Look for opportunities that are presented this week.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

10-09-05 Discussion Questions

At Crosspoint we really do want to be a church that looks beyond the walls and develops relationships with people who don't know Christ. This can be difficult. Even for Jesus it proved to cause problems. Often the church becomes comfortable with who it is and the people that come to church. Let's consider how we can take the church to those beyond the walls. Let's ask God to challenge us to risk the relationship in order that others might know him.

Consider the relationships that you have and think about these questions this week:

  • Do you notice people throughout your day or do you tend to go about your own business?

  • Is it hard for you to develop new relationships?

  • Do you have a lot of friends that you would not consider "church friends"?

  • Do you ever have the opportunity to talk to them about God and life?

  • Pray this week for those you know who don't have a relationship with God. Ask God to help you to see those around you who need a relationship with someone who will genuinely care for them.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Points of Interest: 10-02-05

When you hear the statement, "the church is more than a building" how do you respond? More than likely you would agree with that statement and even have some good comments in response. The difficulty it seems, is that at some point in our journey we began to treat the church as a building. At Crosspoint we have never had our own building and in some ways it makes it easier for us to think about the bigger picture of church. The church is the people of God who gather with a sense of mission. That mission is not about caring for the building and its programs. The mission is focused beyond the walls of the church. Think about these questions this week.

What are some of the things you liked best about the church you grew up in? Describe your church?

What does it mean to you for a church to be focused beyond the walls?

Why do you think it is hard for churches to stay focused beyond it's own walls?

How can you be involved in keeping Crosspoint outward focused?