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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Points of Interest 07-17-05

Through the story of Noah, Lex shared with us his own struggles with this account of God in the Old Testament. Think about these questions as we honestly look at Genesis 5-9.

  • How does the story of Noah fit with your perception of God?

  • Read Genesis 5:6 - Do you think that people are really this way?

  • Why do you think God chose to use natural means (water) to punish humanity for its wickedness?

  • If a human government punished people in the way God does in the Noah story, most people would be outraged.  Is it different when God punishes people this way, and if so, why?

  • What does this story tell us about God?

  • How does the story make you feel?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Points of Interest 7-10-05

One of the most important things a person can do when re-aquainting themselves with a story from their childhood is to re-read the story itself. Take a minute before you start the questions to read over the story of Adam and Eve starting in verse four of chapter two.

  • Think about the first time you ever heard the story of Adam and Eve, what did you think the story was about?

  • Take a minute and read through chapters two and three of Genesis, what actions are God involved in? How do these compare with the actions of the humans?

  • What role does the serpent play in the story, how is this different from our conceptions of the serpent as Satan?

  • Read the list of consequences resulting from Adam and Eve's sin, do these seem to be more prescriptive or descriptive?

  • How is God's grace manifested in the story toward the humans?

  • What can this story of mistrust and redemption teach us about our own relationship with God?

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

This Sunday!

Just a quick reminder: We'll be meeting at the storefront this Sunday. Be sure to pass the word along.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Points of Interest: 07-03-05

This week our feature story is of Samson from Judges 13-16. As you consider his story you may want to think of the strengths God has given you. Here are a few questions that may help get you thinking:

If you were writing Samson's obituary, what would you say about his life?

What do you consider to be your greatest strengths?

What are you currently doing to develop your strengths?

How is God developing His future story through you?

Look for ways to encourage others in the strengths that you recognize in their life.