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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Advent Devotional

In case you didn't know, Advent began this past Sunday. Part of our journey at Crosspoint is intentionally seeking to participate in different forms of worship. Most of us haven't participated in Advent any further than lighting candles on Sunday morning. Advent is more than that, though, and that's what we hope to emphasize in our communal and personal lives.

One resource you might want to check out is Following the Star (find it here). It's an interactive online daily devotional based on Advent readings.


Monday, November 28, 2005

November 27 Questions

Throughout my life I have dreamed of finding treasure. I enjoy garage sales, flea markets, and reading the classifieds. For me treasure is finding something that holds value that has lost is value to someone else. Consider the questions below and look this week at the things in your life that hold value. - Jerry

What are some of your treasures? Your most prized possessions.

Why are these particular things so valuable to you?

Read Psalm 49:16-20. Talk with someone or share with your small group the meaning of verse 20.

How do your treasures reflect your heart? You may want to read Matthew 6:19-21.

Is there a connection between your treasures and living a generous life?

Make plans this week for some generous acts of kindness.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

November 20 Questions

Lex talked this Sunday about the true nature of the widow who gave all she had. Generosity is more than our culture's idea of giving for our own benefit--true generosity is costly.

Read Mark 12:38-44. Would you use the word "generous" to describe the widow? What other words would you use?

Has someone ever offered you something that was very costly to them? How did you respond?

When has being generous cost you something? What did it cost?

Are there times when generosity and sacrifice are different?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Our Newest Addition to the Family!

It's a beautiful baby ... Calendar!

Congratulations, us. We're hoping this helps out with communication and planning. Add it to your favorites! Tell your friends!

Go ahead check it out.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

November 13 Questions

This next series is an intentional effort for us to consider how we give our life and how we use our financial resources to glorify God. It is about discovering a generous life. Most people really would like to be generous with their life. It may be that they have created some habits that keep them from ever being able to contribute in the way they dream. At Crosspoint we want to plant the seed of generosity. If one begins now then there are some wonderful possibilities. Hang in there with us during this series. See how your life can become a generous life.

How do you interpret the idea of a generous life?

Do you have examples of people in your life who you felt were generous?

Read the passage in 2 Corinthians 8: 1-9.

Is giving financial resources harder than giving time?

Is it hard to remain consistent in giving?

How has your relationship with God impacted the way you give?